Big Brother UnCut UnSeen UnReel
Television Shows and Entertainment
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Big Brother: Unseen/Uncut/Unreel
- is a DVD that was released on July 8, 2003, during Big Brother 2003. It was rated M15+ (currently known as M due to its nonrestrictive nature), which means that the DVD requires a mature perspective, however there is no legal restriction on access. The DVD is broken down into three sections.
The Unseen
This section of the DVD has footage of Carlo Marino of Big Brother 2003's Eviction and the Big Brother 2003 Launch, titled In They Go, both viewable from multiple angles. The section also has a package about how Big Brother Australia is put together, and speaks of the different people involved in the production of the show, and also provides technical information on the equipment used.
The Uncut
The Uncut section of the DVD features clips from Big Brother Uncut; speaks of how television censorship laws of different countries that have Big Brother seasons differ to Australia's; footage of the audition process; and a package where Peter Abbott, the voice of Big Brother for the first three seasons, was "Big Brother'd" for a day, where a camera followed him from the time he woke up to when he went to sleep.
The Unreel
The Unreel section has information on the first three seasons' housemates, including Big Brother 2003's housemates' introduction packages shown at In They Go; an image gallery with information on what the 24 original housemates of the first two seasons were doing at the time of the DVD's release; and an interactive tour of Big Brother 2003's Houses before and after they were merged.
Review Snippets.
"Obviously some of what is caught on camera is a little too risqué for early evening television. Some of this material, such as flashes of nudity and sexual discussions are screened later at night as Big Brother Uncut. This nineteen and a half minute section was the most entertaining of all the DVD's content, and I imagine this is what most people will be buying the DVD for. This segment includes clips from overseas editions of Big Brother -- some of which seem far more spicy, as some countries enjoy more freedom in television censorship. The more outrageous Uncut clips from around the world (that can be screened in Australia) have been edited together, and at times they are quite funny and entertaining. Obviously a large part of this segment is made up of sexual discussions, boobs, limp penuses, and plenty of showers." -
"Unlock the door to the ultimate Big Brother experience with this totally interactive, collectible DVD that offers fun, facts and full disclosure on the hit show that's as real as reality TV gets. Unseen, Uncut, Unreel exposes the Big Brother story so far, the best bits of series 1, 2 & 3 plus heaps of exclusive footage that you've never seen before!" -