Prison Break
Shocking News

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"Oh no" people are saying, or in my land the land of Oz people are still wonderring (because we're one week behind the U.S), DoH now I know - damn it I was just trying to find something to write about.
So warning to us backward countries SPOILER ahead.
I watched last nights episode, yeah from my computer desk, at the end there was the phone call "I left a box near your bin" or words of that effect ..... still reading backward countries ? ..... and what I have been reading has come as a surprise and is some what disapointing - even causing some fans to question the show and the reasons why.
Anyway enough babble ... inside the box was guess whos head ? Dr. Sara Tancreadi , yup savage and brutal as it is (even shocking), personally I was thinking maybe a letter, a toe or at the most a "Chopper" style ear - but no it's her head.
Let's see what the rest of the Bloggers are saying :
By Frederic Germay of
" If it was the writers/producer’s decision to off Dr. Sara Tancreadi, then I must ask them what foul-smelling powder they were snorting. If it was Sarah Wayne Callies who made that executive decision, then I suppose she had an acceptable excuse (recently giving birth to a child), and I admire her desire to fully devote her time to the proper well-being of her new-born child. However, the “Prison Break” addict in me might add that her decision, while understandable, was a tad inconsiderate to all of us. "
Kristin Dos Santos of
" I mean, have you ever heard of a primetime series writing off a beloved main character—the series' only remaining female from the original cast—by chopping off her freaking head and putting it in a freaking box?! Whatthefrak?! "
Lest Break fans assume the character's gruesome demise was the product of writers' room revenge after a difficult and failed negotiation (Callies had a baby recently and reportedly declined producers initial offer of 13 episodes).
And here's what the produsers are saying :
" If you're still in denial about the horrific turn of events on tonight's Prison Break, well, stop reading, 'cause a stone-cold reality check is coming your way: That was definitely Sara Tancredi's decapitated head staring up at Lincoln from that box. No ifs, ands or red herrings about it. Michael's long-suffering soul mate is dead and she ain't comin' back. "
Sarah was recently quoted in a French magazine saying that she was "sad," "shocked" and felt "deceived" by the decision to kill off the character. Presuming this is what she actually said, does this surprise you?
Olmstead: Not really. She was invested in the character and wanted to be a part of the show. We felt the same way.
Let's discuss the way you killed her off. Some might view it as you guys exacting revenge on Sarah for not returning.
Olmstead: We really had no way of using her image other than the existing images that we had. Those Polaroids we used are old wardrobe shots from Season 1 and 2. She didn't give us any new photos. So [we had to devise a way to] kill her [and still] show a body.....
Continue Reading that interview at :
Well where to now ? Oh and did mention that Michael has found some acid that's capable of burning through steel ? Ooops ....
Appology : I don't mean nothing by "Backward Countries" or to offend anyone, but living in Australia myself - ummm I live in one.
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